Why acupuncture?


Acupuncture channels on the head

With acupuncture and Chinese medicine, you are treated as an individual.
Every patient is unique – your constitution, experiences and lifestyle all contribute to your wellbeing. Your particular experience with a condition such as asthma, migraines, or insomnia, may be different from others' with the same Western diagnosis. Acupuncture, one of the cornerstones of Chinese Medicine, offers an individualized approach to diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of health concerns. To see a list of conditions treatable with acupuncture (as recognized by the World Health Organization), click here.

Acupuncture offers a path to better health that is safe, effective and drug-free.
Acupuncture works on the basic principle that our bodies have an innate ability to heal. When the body’s various systems are out of balance, whether due to stress, trauma, lifestyle, diet, or environmental causes, patterns of symptoms develop. Acupuncture involves accessing the body’s internal energy through the insertion of fine needles at specific points, tapping into the body’s natural healing abilities to restore balance. Read more about acupuncture here.

Acupuncture treats your body as a whole.
We ask lots of questions to determine the root cause of your health issues. No symptom is seen in isolation - instead, we look at patterns. For this reason, it is not unusual for someone being treated for a one issue, for example, back pain, to find that other issues are also improving (e.g., sleep, digestion, stress levels, and overall energy.)

Ancient practice, modern research.
Acupuncture has been proven to reduce inflammation both locally and systemically, which explains its ability to have positive effect on conditions as varied as asthma, arthritis, hypertension and Crohn's Disease. Acupuncture increases local circulation which speeds healing through the facilitation of an immune system response. Acupuncture also helps rebalance the autonomic nervous system, activating the parasympathetic mode and helping the body dial back the "fight-or-flight" mode that triggers many digestive, emotional, and sleep issues, among others.

To learn more about the patient experience, click here.